Amnesty's Annual General Meeting in 2024 was held 19-21 April in Oslo.

Here you will find the protocoll from the 2024 AGM

About this page

This page contains information about Amnesty Norway`s Annual General Meeting of 2024. The AGM was held 19-21st of april 2024.
Do you want to know what was decided at the AGM? Read the protokoll you will find to the left.
If you have questions, please contact [email protected].

Practical information:

When: April 19-21 2024

Where: The AGM will be held in Oslo, in Amnestys new offices at "ambassaden" in Henrik Ibsens gate 48.
Friday evening: Entry via Henrik Ibsens gate.
Saturday and sunday: Entry via Løkkeveien.

Time: The doors for the AGM open saturday morning at 08.00 and the programme starts 09.00. Friday evening we also offer programme posts wtih the ecnomic working group from 16.30 and the "AGM in 1,2,3" from 18.00.
There will also be a youthgathering for everyone from 13-19.

Who: All members of Amnesty International Norway can participate in the AGM. To have the right to vote, you have to have been a paying member for minimum 6 months prior to the AGM. If you are not a member, you can join here.

Attending the AGM should not cost a lot.
There is a member fee on 300 kr for all members over 25 years, and 150 kr for all members under 25.

You have to book your own travels to the AGM, but all members can apply for a refund. There is a deductible on 350 kr for ordinary members, and 200 kr for members under 25.

All members under 25 that need accomodation in Oslo will get this coered. Members over 25 need to book and pay for accomodation. However, we know that many people may be experiencing more financial stress than usual.
If you due to financial reasons cannot cover accommodation costs, there is a financial support scheme, read more and apply here.

Practical Information
Picture from the AGM in 2022!

What is the Annual General Meeting?

The AGM is the members' main arena for decision making about what Amnesty should work with and how the organisation should be run. It is also a chance to meet other activists, get inspired and learn, with amazing guests.

What happens at the AGM?

You can find a detailed programme for the AGM here.
We promise many exciting programme posts, such as panel debates with exciting guests, music from artist Daniela Reyes, awrding the Amnesty prize and the activst prize. In addition, two highlights include election of new board members, the youth gathering and debating and voting over motions.

Elect new board members:
We are going to choose new board members: Do you want to be part of Amnesty in Norway's board, or do you have suggestions for a good candidate? In 2024, several new members will be elected to the board, and all Amnesty members can express interest or nominate candidates. If this is something for you, or if you know of a suitable candidate, please contact the leader of the election committee Mina Haugen [email protected]

Youth Gathering: As usual, there will be a youth gathering the friday before the AGM (april 19th) for all Amnestymembers between 13-19. Read more about it, and sign up here

Propose a motion:
As a member, you can propose motions and changes to the statutes. This year we have a lot of motions to vote over at the AGM.
Come prepared for the discussions by reading the AGM documents linked below (Only available in Norwegian).

Deadlines for proposals:
Proposed changes to the statutes: 19. January 2024
Ordinary motions: 08. march 2024


The Annual General Meeting is the highlight of the year for our organisation.At the AGM, members from all over the country gather to make decisions on Amnesty International Norway's work and priorities for the coming year, to influence the international movement, and to get inspired by the amazing guests.

At the AGM 2024, we will look back at 60 years of Amnesty International in Norway, while also looking forward at what challenges and opportunities that face us in the coming years.

Template for motions at the AGM 2024 - to propose a change to a motion, use this form.

The Yellow Handbook - English guide to the Annual General Meeting

Travel refund form - send to [email protected] as one pdf-file