Annual General Meeting 2023
The Annual General Meeting is the highlight of the year for our organisation.At the AGM, members from all over the country gather to make decisions on Amnesty International Norway's work and priorities for the coming year, to influence the international movement, and to get inspired by the international guests.
A world without the death penalty - within reach
Amnesty International’s activists first started protesting the use of the death penalty at the end of the 70s. At that time, only 16 out of the world’s 149 countries had abolished the death penalty. Now, almost 50 years later the situation has turned – and nearly three quarters of the countries in the world has abolished the death penalty in law or practice. It is time to have a look back at the development over the last 50 years – and to look ahead at the work we still have left to do before we achieve a world free from the death penalty.
Practical information:
When: April 28 - 30 april 2023
Programme on friday:
16:30: 'Working group on economy
19:00: Group leader gathering
19:00 The Penalty - screening at Verdensteateret (see the facebook-event for more information)
The formal programme will begin on Saturday 29 April 09:00.
The AGM will be done on Sunday 30 April at 12:30.
We will update more details about the program as soon as possible.
Where: Scandic Ishavshotel, Fredrik Langes gate 2 Tromsø
Who: All members of Amnesty International Norway can participate in the AGM. To have the right to vote, you have to have been a paying member for minimum 6 months prior to the AGM. If you are not a member, you can join here.
Yourth Gathering: As usual, there will be a youth gathering the friday before the AGM (28th april).
Accommodation: Members need to book and pay for accomodation. However, we know that many people my be experiencing more financial stress than usual. Therefore, we offer a partial refund of accommodation costs who stay in a double room with another participant. In this case, accommodation friday - sunday will cost kr 1050 per person. You can use this whether you know another member who you can share a room with, or you are alone. You will receive detailed instructions in the registration confirmation. Deadline: 31.03.2023
If you due to financial reasons cannot cover accommodation costs, there is a financial support scheme, read more and apply here.
What is the Annual General Meeting?
The AGM is the members' main arena for decision making about what Amnesty should work with and how the organisation should be run. It is also a chance to meet other activists, get inspired and learn, with amazing guests from Norway and abroad.
What can you do at the AGM?
As a member, you can propose motions and changes to the statutes. If you have an idea, discuss it with your group and contact your regional office.
Do you find it difficult to understand all the documents, and how to write a good motion? Don't despair, just get in touch - the earlier the better so that we can help you with writing your motion so that your idea has the best idea of succeeding and your intention the best chance of being realised if the AGM accepts your motion.
See the documents (in Norwegian) here: Viktige dokumenter | Amnesty International Norge
Deadlines for proposals:
Proposed changes to the statutes: 29 January 2023
Ordinary motions: 18 march 2023
We try to make as much information as possible available in English. However, if you have questions regarding inforamation or pages only available in Norwegian, contact [email protected].