For over ten years, Amnesty has been advocating for a consent-based rape legislation in Norway. Now, a proposal has been put forward, but unfortunately, it is far from good enough. That's why we need to take to the streets on March 8th, demanding a good consent law. We have waited long enough!
Viktig informasjon

This is a guide for activists who wish to support the campaign. Here you will find tips and ideas to raise awareness about the issue and encourage more people to get involved.


One in five women in Norway has been subjected to rape, according to a new nationwide survey. The women experienced rape through the use of force or coercion, or while they were asleep. According to the same survey, 41% were afraid of being seriously injured or killed during the assault.

The high numbers are alarming and must be taken seriously, especially in the preventive efforts against rape and sexual assault.

Since 2012, Amnesty has been campaigning for a consent-based rape legislation. A consent law will help ensure that more cases can be investigated and punished, and it will also be preventive and contribute to changing attitudes towards rape and sexual assault.

Amnesty was therefore very pleased when the government, after the parliamentary elections in 2021, stated in its political platform, the Hurdal Platform, that Norway would get a consent law.

However, when the Penal Code Council (straffelovrådet) presented its proposal for a consent law in December 2022 in NOU 2022:21, we were very disappointed.

Amnesty believes that the proposal from the Penal Code Council (straffelovrådet), as it stands now, is inadequate because it assumes that the person subjected to an assault must express resistance in words or actions before it can be defined as rape. However, consent to sex is much more than the right to say no.

It is a human right to have control over one`s own body and sexuality.

Some choose to remain passive during an assault to prevent greater harm.

Many who experience an assault also find that their body "freeze", making them unable to move. This is referred to as a freeze response.

Consent to sex is about voluntary participation. It places the responsibility on the initiator of the sexual activity to ensure that the other party genuinely wants and consents to it. Unfortunately, this is not the foundation of the Penal Code Council`s proposal (Straffelovrådet) for the new rape provision.

You can read more about our work for a better consent law and the current status here (Norwegian site).

You can also learn more about Amnesty's efforts against rape here (Norwegian site).

What we are trying to achieve

The parliament MUST adopt a rape provision that establishes that YOUR body is off- limits for sexual activity until you have given your consent, in accordance with international human rights standars. Now it is important and necessary that as many people as possible take to the streets to demand a proper consent law.

What you can do

Raise awareness about 1 in 5

Paint one of your five fingernails to symbolize that one in fice women report experiencing rape at least once in their lifetime. Take a picture and write a caption saying that 1 in 5 is too many, and that we need a consent based lawlegislation. Tag @emiliemehl, @amnestynorge, #1in5, and #consentlawnow.

Social Media

We want to raise awareness and spread knowledge about what consent is and isn't.

We aim for as many people as possible to have knowledge about consent, but we also want to reach our politicians. It is crucial that they understand that there are many of us demanding a proper legislation to protect citizens against rape in Norway.

Therefore, remember to tag @emiliemehl in everything you post related to consent. Feel free to use the mentioned hashtags as well.

Talk about consent

We need more people to understand that consent is premise for any sexual activity to take place. Don't hesitate to bring up the topic in your social circle.

Arrange a stunt

Stunts can be an amazing way to create attention around a topic. Consider whether you have any good ideas on how to capture the attention of passerby or Emilie Mehl.

Maybe you want to hang up underwear in a public place, as shown in the picture?

Write a piece for your local newspaper (leserinnlegg)

Visibility in local media leading up to March 8th will help us mobilize even more people to march behind Amnesty's banner in the parade.

Here you will find points you can use to write an op-ed about consent, and in verktøykassa for groups (Norwegian site), you will find more tips on how to write op-eds and how to get them published in your local newspaper (Norwegian sites).

Do you want someone to review it? Contact an employee in your region (contact info further down on this page).

Movie screening

Hosting a movie screening provides excellent visibility and engagement. Therefore, feel free to invite people to a movie screening in your area. Speak with the local cinema, cultural center, or another suitable venue and ask if you can show the film there.

You can invite relevant speakers for a conversation or panel discussion on sex and consent after the movie screening. Suggestions for films can be found here (Norwegian site).

Filmkveld Amnesty ungdom

Organize a panel discussion or debate

You can arrange conversations or debates to raise awareness about consent. Invite activists or organizations to give an introduction or to participate in a panel discussion. You may also invite local politicians or youth politicians for a debate.

Hold a speech (appell)

Would you like to hold a speech on behalf of Amnesty at an event? We need to be heard throughout the country. We advice you to coordinate this with your regional leader. You can also get useful tips on how to deliver an appeal that truly resonates.

Here are some suggested talking points for the speech (Norwegian site).

Samtykk meg baby - plakater

• Sexual assault center in Norway: https://www.norceresearch.no/nasjonalt-kompetansesenter-for-legevaktmedisin/overgrepsmottak-i-norge

• Dixi Resource Center Against Rape: https://www.dixi.no/

•Your way out- National Guide for violence and abuse: https://dinutvei.no/


Carina Sibe Kråkenes

Organisasjonsutvikler i region Sør

Tanja Clifford

Regionleder vest

Yonas Bennour

Regionleder øst

Anne Bjørseth

Organisasjonsutvikler midt/nord