Registration form for the Annual General Meeting 2023

Publisert: 27. Jan 2023, kl. 13:12 | Sist oppdatert: 30. Jan 2023, kl. 13:27

Registration to the AGM 2023

Amnesty Norway's Annual General Meeting 2023 will be held at Scandic Ishavshotel in Tromsø, 28 - 30 april.

The Annual General Meeting is the highlight of the year for our organisation. At the AGM, members from all over the country gather to make decisions on Amnesty International Norway's work and priorities for the coming year, to influence the international movement, and to get inspired by the international guests.

All members of Amnesty International Norway can participate in the AGM. To have the right to vote, you have to have been a paying member for minimum 6 months prior to the AGM. If you are not a member, you can join here before registering for the AGM.

Registration deadline: 31 march 2023

Participation fee: 300 kr for ordinary members and 150 kr for young members 24 or younger

You will receive a confirmation email with information on how to pay your participation fee within a few days after registering. If you have questions in the meantime, contact [email protected].

The AGM will offically be opened saturday morning. There will be activities and discussions happening on friday afternoon and evening. If you arrive on friday, you can get dinner friday evening at the hotel. Let us know if you want this in the registration form.

There is currently no plan for interpreters at this year's AGM. However, you will have the opportunity to note any needs for accommodation in the registration form. If you need interpretation to participate at the AGM, please note this in the registration form, and we will try to arrange interpretation.

What is your gender?
We ask about this in case you want to make use of the shared accommodation for a reduced price. Read more here. 
Participation fee
What meals would you like?
E.g. if you want to participate digitially
Are you below 18 years of age during the AGM?
If you are below 18 years of age you have to hand in the consent form sign by your parents/guardians. The consent form is available at the bottom of the page here.
Are you below 25 years of age and would like to use our offer of free accommodation in a shared room with four beds? If so, please indicate below which nights:
Note: If you prefer a single or double room, you have to book and pay for this yourself directly to Scandic Ishavshotel Tromsø. Please check your invitaiton email for more information. 
Are you between 13 and 19 years of age and will participate at the youth gathering?
If so, you have to sign up for the youth gathering too, through this link. 
Where did you find information on the AGM?